July is National Blueberry Month! Blueberry muffins, waffles, pancakes…I could eat them all day, every day! Our daughter loves blueberries and can eat a full bowl (which she did while making our muffins!). In addition to it being blueberry month, July 11 is National Blueberry Muffin Day! It is only right we bake blueberry muffins to celebrate all the deliciousness!

Baking with Your Kids
Have you ever baked with your child? While it does take a little longer, and is often a little more messy, it is great experience for you both. You will create a remarkable bonding moment that will likely be remembered for years. I vividly remember baking Christmas cookies with my mom every year growing up, a tradition now shared with my daughter. As I got older, I wanted to know all my mom’s recipes. Food magically creates a sense of intimacy. A plate of your favorite food your mom used to cook makes you feel better when you are homesick. A holiday feels incomplete if it is missing a traditional food your family serves every year. If eating food can make us feel so wholesome, imagine the feelings it creates in our children when they help us make food.
Of course, there is also the educational aspect. They will learn math, science, and following directions. I ask my daughter to tell me how many the recipe says I need of each ingredient. She helps me count as we pour ingredients into the bowl. Depending on the age of your child, you can teach anything from your five senses, to states of matter, to how eggs bind ingredients together. Experiment one day and add no baking soda to a portion of your cookie dough, no baking powder to another portion, add both to another portion, etc. and observe the different outcomes.
Lining the muffin pans Adding brown sugar Stirring the streusel Leveling the baking powder Whisking the dry ingredients Adding the dry to the wet ingredients Adding the blueberries Topping with streusel
Bake Blueberry Muffins: Our Favorite Recipe
I enjoy Sally’s Baking Addiction when I am looking for new baked good recipes to try. We tried her Blueberry Muffin with Streusel Topping recipe and it is oh so good! They are moist and full of flavor without being overly sweet. They are simple enough to make and your child will definitely enjoy making them with you. Check out her website to get the recipe along with tips to make sure they turn out perfect!
The website mentions to fill the cups up to the top and you will make 14 muffins. Our batter made 12 large muffins. We only used about 1-pound of blueberries, and it was plenty. Of course, my little helper kept eating them as we were baking, so it may have even been a little less. She also insisted on carefully placing one blueberry on the top of each muffin prior to baking. We baked our muffins for 23 minutes. Other than those small differences, we do everything the same as on Sally’s Baking Addiction website. Our muffins do not look as pretty, but they sure taste delicious!

My daughter wants to do everything by herself. She wants to measure, pour, mix. I let her do as many things as she is physically able to do. She learns basic skills like counting, builds on her gross and fine motor skills, and it brings her so much joy. I’ve never heard a person laugh so much while baking. I hope your family can create a fun bonding moment making these muffins, too!
Happy Baking!
Baking is such a wonderful time to bond! It definitely takes longer and is a lot messier but it is worth it to create memories. I haven’t tried this recipe before so I will have to give it a go, possibly with my kids! Thank you for the tips. 🙂
You’re welcome! You are right about the time and mess being worth it to bake with our kids. Not only watching how happy she is and making memories, but also knowing how much she is learning and becoming more independent are great bonuses. I hope your family enjoyed this recipe as much as mine does!